Presenting the ODYSIE Blog

The candles of National Opioid Awareness Day (September 21) still aflame, we at ODYSIE decided to embrace serendipity and take a step headlong into a goal we have held aloft since our inception: we are launching our blog!

Our inaugural post is an eye-opening piece from a man who, in the process of seeking difficult answers to earnest questions, gained tremendous perspective on what caring for those who use substances could look like. Jared Scott is a third-year medical student at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine and is an unwavering advocate for his patients. He has deep insights to share in his post, “Naloxone for Life”.

Our vision for this blog is that it serves as an informal ideascape where we can share with all of you in understanding how substance use and addiction affects our communities, especially young people, how we can prevent harmful outcomes like overdose, and how we can respond when they occur.

Thank you for joining us.